About us


What GDA Does

The Georgia Development Authority Was created in 1953 by the Georgia Legislature to help develop opportunities for Georgia farmers. Currently, GDA makes loans to benefit the agricultural community of Georgia. Whether you are just beginning to farm or you are ready to launch your agribusiness, GDA has a plan to help you reach your goals.


Top dollar loan on the security offered. GDA does not interfere with your farming operations. Loan officers are specialists in farm lending. Certified appraisers establish the present-day value of the farm. Fast closing service! Low closing costs! Title work done by an attorney of your choice. No cost to State or Federal Government. Easy to obtain timber or other releases. No stock to buy.


First mortgage on farm real estate as collateral. You do not have to live on the farm to qualify. Loans made to full or part-time farmers. Loans made on timber or crop land.

Loan Purposes

Buy land. Irrigation equipment and wells. Build or repair farm buildings. Purchase machinery and equipment. Build farm ponds. Education of children. Establish permanent pastures. Establish beef, dairy or swine herds. Refinance debts. Specialized building for dairy, poultry, swine or beef enterprises.

Repayment Plans

Fixed or variable rate. Up to 20-year amortization, variable interest rate based on prime rate, adjusted annually. Simple interest charged only for days you use the money. Payment scheduled to fit farm income. Extensions may be granted on payments if needed. Loans may be refinanced if necessary.

Locally Grown

Loan Applications Below

Farm Land and Equipment

  • Establish beef, dairy, swine, and other herds
  • Build farm ponds
  • Establish permanent pastures
  • Irrigation equipment
  • Build wells
  • Purchase machinery and equipment
  • Build or repair farm buildings
  • Specialized buildings for dairy, poultry, swine, beef or other enterprises

Agricultural Value-Added Loan Program (AVALP)

  • Loans to build and equip facilities to process agricultural products or commodities produced on Georgia farms and ranches.

Agribusiness Loans

  • Pursue agricultural businesses

Securing Tomorrows Agricultural Resources Today (START)

Loans for Beginning Farms & Ranchers

  • Purchase farms and ranch land
  • Make improvements to land
  • Purchase machinery, equipment, and brood stock
  • Refinance agricultural bridge or construction loan
  • Home financing is not eligible

Alternative Loans

  • Refinance debts
  • Provide education of children