Loan Eligibility


Eligibility: First mortgage on real estate as collateral. You do not have to live on the farm to qualify. Loans made to full or part-time farmers. Loans made on timber or cropland. The first mortgage on real estate is required. Chattels on operations such as dairy/poultry or properties with pivot irrigation systems can be taken as additional collateral.

Loan Type: 5 to 30 years

Interest Rates: Adjustable and Fixed Rate loan

Collateral Requirements: First mortgage on real estate required. Chattels on operations such as dairy/poultry or properties with pivot irrigation systems can be taken as additional collateral.

Loan Size Limitation: Loan amounts are limited by board discretion. Current limit is $1,200,000 for Traditional Loans, $1,700,000.00 for Poultry Loans and $2,000,000.00 for AVALP Loans.

Eligible Purposes: Buy land, irrigation equipment, and wells, build or repair farm buildings, purchase machinery, and equipment, build farm ponds, education of children, establish permanent pastures, establish beef, dairy, or swine herds, refinance agricultural debts, specialized in building for dairy, poultry, swine, or beef enterprises.

NOTE: This information should only be used as a reference. The information reflected above is not “all-inclusive”. More specific details regarding individual applications will be provided by the Administrative Office in Monroe, Georgia, or by branch location serving your respective county.


Additional Forms


Loan Applications Below

Farm Land and Equipment

  • Establish beef, dairy, swine, and other herds
  • Build farm ponds
  • Establish permanent pastures
  • Irrigation equipment
  • Build wells
  • Purchase machinery and equipment
  • Build or repair farm buildings
  • Specialized buildings for dairy, poultry, swine, beef or other enterprises

Agricultural Value-Added Loan Program (AVALP)

  • Loans to build and equip facilities to process agricultural products or commodities produced on Georgia farms and ranches.

Agribusiness Loans

  • Pursue agricultural businesses

Securing Tomorrows Agricultural Resources Today (START)

Loans for Beginning Farms & Ranchers

  • Purchase farms and ranch land
  • Make improvements to land
  • Purchase machinery, equipment, and brood stock
  • Refinance agricultural bridge or construction loan
  • Home financing is not eligible

Alternative Loans

  • Refinance debts
  • Provide education of children